Angel Policy

I believe that I am in the business of creating products, projects and classes for people who want to make things for fun.

I am not in the business of facilitating your business. If you are at the point where you are selling your work, I believe you should be developing patterns and techniques, and obtaining or creating images that are unique to you and your art, rather than relying on me to develop and create those things for you.

With that in mind, here is the Ten Two Studios angel policy:

You may always incorporate all products you have purchased from Ten Two Studios in handmade items you make for yourself, for swaps, and for friends.

This permission is granted ONLY to the person who purchases the products. You may not print copies of digital items for use by others or by groups.

I want to accommodate the makers of limited numbers of handmade goods. With that in mind, limited commercial use is granted for the following Ten Two Studios products only:

  • Digital sheets and sets listed in the Digital Collage Sheets section.
  • Digital sheets and sets listed in the $2 Bargain Sheets section.
  • Image Collection CDs.

The limitations for commercial use of these items are as follows:

  • Each sheet or set may be used by the person who purchases the digital download from Ten Two Studios to create up to 20 handmade items.
  • Handmade items must be made by the person who purchased the Ten Two Studios product. They may not be made by employees, or anyone other than the purchaser.
  • Use of these sheets and sets may not be shared or assigned to others.
  • Under no circumstances may sheets or sets be used for classes taught online or in person. This included make and take events.
  • Under no circumstances may images from these sheets or sets be used to create printed or digital items for sale, including, but not limited to, the following: collage sheets, digital sheets, designs for print on demand services such as CafePress or Zazzle shops.

If you have any questions about commercial use or limitations, please contact me for clarification BEFORE you make your Ten Two Studios purchase. There are no refunds available on digital goods. Ask before you buy.

Commercial use of these items is prohibited:

  • Kits By Mail, and Printable Project Kits. All kits are for personal use only.
  • How-To Collection CDs. All images and instructions are for personal use only.
  • Patterns and images from The Monthly Muse.
  • Coloring pages.
  • Anything listed in the Free Stuff section.

Commercial use of online class materials is also prohibited, except where a commercial license is granted in the course description.

If you post photographs online of work made with items from Ten Two Studios, or submit photos of work using anything from Ten Two Studios to magazines or other publications, please credit Ten Two Studios.