Now that the dust has settled a bit on this new web site, and I’ve almost finished converting all the printed products to digital ones,…
Peace’s Fishy Tin
Peace Schuyler decorated the outside of one of her tea tins with images from Pink Brocade Inchies and Pink Things, flowers and pearls, making a…
Tea Tin Organizer
Livia Hajovsky is organizing her favorite markers with this tea tin, decorated with a little Asian text, and images from Deco Standard Dominos.
Tea Tin Challenge
Last fall, I decided to challenge the design team to create projects based on the containers from my favorite tea, Republic of Tea Blackberry Sage.…
Have You Backed Up Your Files Lately?
Since I’ve converted all my collage sheets and sets to digital items, I’m going to try to remember to ask this question regularly. Backing up…
Welcome to the New Ten Two!
After many weeks of endless data entry, image resizing, and product conversions, this morning, I took a deep breath, deleted the entire Ten Two Studios…
Happy Birthday, AlteredBooks!
On August 6th, the 7,000+ member AlteredBooks group on Yahoo will celebrate it’s 13th birthday. I’ve been a member of the group since 2001, when…